So, you might have noticed that rattan has hit the interiors world in a big way! A BIGGGGGG way. I'm not really one for following trends (clearly, ha!), but this is one trend I can get on board with as I just LOVE the texture of rattan and the endless DIY possibilities of course. I thought I would have a go at using a small bit of rattan (because it's not cheap by the way) to upcycle some old picture frames I had into a fabulous new planter, as a wee nod to the rattan revolution. Here's how I did it:
· 4 x frames of equal sizes
· Enough cane webbing to insert into the 4 frames
· Wood glue
· Wooden dowels to make 4 equal legs (any size you like! Longer dowels will make a taller planter and shorter dowel will make a shorter planter)
· Plywood
· A saw
· A pencil
· Scissors
· Sandpaper
Take the glass insert and back board out of each frame.

Place the glass insert onto the cane webbing and draw around the glass with a pencil and cut the webbing to size using a pair of scissors.

*Tip before you start the project, roll out the cane webbing and place something heavy on top for a few hours to flatten the webbing out a bit!
Remove any picture legs from the back board.

*Tip: It should snap off and leave minimal damage if you give it a wiggle and slowly pull back and forward!
Insert the webbing into the frame, push firmly down around the edges and replace the back board to secure it in place.

*Tip: trim down any excess of the edges to avoid the webbing protruding out the middle of the frame.
Repeat steps 1 – 6 3x with the remainder of the frames until all 4 cane frames have been made.

To make the planter box frame: Place one frame face down on a flat surface. Take one of the other frames and apply a generous amount of glue to one of the edges and press onto the edge of the frame which is facing down. Press down and hold for a few seconds and wipe away any excess glue with a clean cloth. Glue down the two sides of the frame first and then the top last.

*Tip: You can use a heavy book on top of the box frame to apply constant pressure until the glue has completely dried.
To create the planter base: Once the glue has completely dried, take your freshly made planter box, place on top of the plywood and draw around the box to mark out where you need to make cuts to the ply wood.

Cut the plywood down to size with a saw and sand down any rough edges. (Don't laugh... I couldn't find my proper saw... but this worked fine.. although my hands did not thank me eeeek!!!)

Apply glue to the edges of what will be the bottom of the planter frame, place the plywood on top and press down firmly.

STEP 10.
To make the planter legs: Measure the dowels, divide by 4 to create 4 equal sized legs and mark with a pencil where you need to cut down the legs.

STEP 11.
Cut the legs to size using a saw and sand down the rough edges. (and the return of the world's smallest saw! Ha!)

STEP 12. Apply wood glue to each leg and attach to the 4 corners of the planter base.

*Tip: To protect the inside of the planter from water damage from the plant, you could line the bottom of the planter with an old plastic bag doubled up.

Then sit back and admire your beautiful new planter! Ahhhhh Love it!!!
