So here we are. At the end of May! This really should have been a newsletter at the start but such is life!

It’s been a pretty special month for us at Terian Tilston Interior Design. If you follow me on social media you may have seen that this month a project that we had been involved in has been featured in Ideal Homes magazine - a full 8-page spread! This was a project that we worked on over a period of about 2 years where I designed several rooms throughout the family home.

It was an absolute dream come true for work that we have done to be featured in this magazine. When I started Terian Tilston Interior Design 5 years ago, I created a vision board with various hopes and dreams for the future. I put in a few things that I felt were probably unachievable but would be ultimate GOALS if I could achieve them. One of the things that I put on the vision board was that I wanted to have work featured in Ideal Homes magazine. I chose Ideal Homes because it is one of the top national magazines in the UK and importantly, it was a favourite magazine of my mums. She always had a stash piled high beside her bedside table. It had been my dream to have work that I did featured in this magazine because I know it would have made her very proud. To see this dream realised and my work in print was just unbelievable and as you probably may have seen I did shed a tear… or 10,000!

I started this business 5 years ago after my mum passed away. Prior to this I had been working as a solicitor. I set up the business to help create sanctuaries for others as when my mum passed away my home became my sanctuary and I started to make changes to my surroundings to bring more joy, comfort and safety into my life. It has been my mission thereafter to be able to do the same for others and ultimately to bring more joy into others lives. This will always be the goal. It just felt absolutely amazing to see the joyous work that we had created in print and to make it even better it was in Ideal Homes colour special!

Had I done this newsletter at the beginning of the month I would have said go and buy a copy but I am late to the party as usual haha so you’re probably too late to get one but here are some pictures for you to have a look at anyway.
Lots of love and here’s to summer starting next month!